I don’t do portraits very often.  The reason is that when I do shoot them, I want them to mean something. I want them to tell a story. I want them to chronicle where you are in your life. I want them to be real. I want you to wear what you would normally wear, […]

I say it all the time but seriously I love to travel and I’m so thankful that my job takes us on all kinds of adventures. This month we got to head out to Colorado for Nicole and Lance’s big day! I’ve never spent any significant amount of time out west but it’s one of […]

Ocean City 2014

Jul 21, 2014

I’ve been thinking a lot lately (long hours in an airport will do that to a person) about work/life balance. This year has really challenged us with the intense schedule we’ve been rocking out lately. (Seriously,thank you all who are keeping us on the move, we are so very thankful!) But it got me thinking. […]

Oh dear. Where do I begin with this one? Chrissy and Brian and this entire wedding weekend will always have a very special place in my heart. Chrissy and Brian have evolved quickly from clients to dear, dear friends. I was so honored that they let us be a part of this amazing weekend in […]

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