I love my family. Some photographers aren’t big fans of shooting their family members. Me on the other hand, I absolutely love it. Not only because my family is beautiful and sassy but also because I can tell them to do things and they’ll do it. Things like get up at sunrise, wade through a […]

For those of you that know me, know I started in film. Now, I’m not an aficionado by any means since I  moved from film to digital pretty quickly. However there are moments that I get nostalgic for those hours in a dark room,  watching black and white images magically appear on paper. I remember that […]

Every once and a while every single thing falls into place. The right couple, the right location and the right weather. The trifecta. This whole weekend was such an amazing experience. We ate delicious food, had fantastic conversations, lots of laughs, got to shoot at the Viscaya and turns out… my Spanish isn’t quite as rusty […]

Barrett and I have been looking forward to this moment ALMOST as long as Kelly and Clay have. 🙂 These two are fabulous both together and as individuals. And yes I’m completely and totally biased. Clay and Barrett grew up together and Kelly and I became fast friends as soon as she and Clay started […]

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