Kelsey and Matt were brave enough to join me on the adventure to Louisiana for the workshop. Getting there was beyond interesting and included a six-hour delay on the highway due to ice. Luckily, we always have a million things to talk about and sing loudly and the time found a way of slipping by. […]

Workshop | Wedding

Feb 14, 2013

I was so thankful that on our third shoot, the sun finally decided to show its beautiful face. This was the perfect way to end our time. So much beauty all around.

Workshop | Bridal

Feb 13, 2013

Here’s a continuation of my adventure in Shreveport! Day two was a bridal and a wedding shoot. Beautiful dress and beautiful set.

I hope to always be a student. Even when I was young, I loved to learn. “The moment you stop learning, you stop living.” I’ve always tried to live by that quote from Einstein and it is with that spirit I set out on my journey to Shreveport, Louisiana to participate in Three Nails Workshop. […]

Let's get to know each other better.

