I’m about to get a little sentimental. This is Liz. (Hi Liz.) She is my best friend. There is not much that we haven’t been through together. Every major life event I can remember it has been her who has held my hand or celebrated with me through it. We know what we are thinking before we say it and communicate almost exclusively through looks and obnoxious hand gestures. Don’t tell our husbands… but we are each other’s significant other. We never planned on getting engaged or married within weeks of each other but by happy accident, it actually happened that way! I always knew when it happened, we would be 100% in it for the other. Being imbedded in the fickle industry of weddings myself, I was curious as to what going through the whole process together would do for our friendship. I can say with all honesty that it made it a million times more special. I think the excitement and love we have for each other kept us shielded from falling into the crazy bridezilla state of mind, forever accountable to each other.
We thought it only appropriate to do a fun shoot, just the two of us to remember forever that spring we both got married. Seriously brides, how much fun is it to get back in your wedding dress and play dress up with your best friends!? (PS my fabulous poof of a gown is from Twirl in Lexington. If you’re in the market, check it out! )
So I got out the tripod and the shutter release and we went to town in Liz’s backyard. I can’t wait to look back on these in 20 years and remember how much fun it was to go through this amazing experience with the Best. Most Ardently.
If you can’t be an idiot with your best, who can you? Are these the best pictures of us? Not by a long shot. Are they typical? Absolutely!
I love dogs. I love dogs. I love dogs….
Cheers! We got married!
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